I actually probably found this positive before; I can't remember. All I know is my youngest and I were out all day today. After getting our nails done, it was almost 2pm. My levels-91. I had eaten breakfast at 7am and had taken my normal 4U. I didn't realize how late it was. As soon as I did, I panicked. WHAT? Almost 2, oh no my sugar will get low.
BAHA, nope. Afrezza perfection. Eating such a late lunch meant I wasn't ready for our normal 6-6:30pm dinner. Not good on the waistline, but great on the insulin intake. This stuff never ceases to amaze me. Before dumping the pump, I would have never been able to have done that.
This stuff allows me to not bring a snack, not worry about time, not wonder if my level is going to drop. WOOHOO. Like I said, I'm sure I've bragged about the time thing before, but today it just hit me. I was able to spend, for the first time EVER, a day with my daughter doing whatever we wanted and not one time did diabetes hinder anything.
My youngest and I are always goofing off (ok so she's literally a professional clown) and laughing all day. She's a nut, but she's also used to checking on me and being the "mom." She would worry if I was ok. This made today even more precious, because not one time did she mention it. Not one time did she ask if I needed a snack, if my lips were numb (sigh my sugar was low), how long it had been since I had eaten, if my level was too high, NOTHING NOT ONE THING.
First day of no diabetic hinderances that she's ever experienced. She's 16 and that was all she had known until the dynamic duo entered our life-Tresiba/Afrezza. I say "our" because diabetics affects every person in the family. When I had seizures, my husband was the one calling 911. When my sugar would drop and I passed out, my daughter called 911. When the levels went sky high and wouldn't go down, my husband and daughter were by my side.
Today was simply monumental for us. Thank you Afrezza!
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