Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Playing Catch Up

What a crazy time the past week has been.

I have completely cracked a back molar. This means pain. This means high blood sugars. Afrezza to the rescue. That's the only thing that has kept my levels normal. By normal, I mean 120's. WOOHOO to me!!!! When it happened, my levels almost instantly went up to 261. Then I trip and hurt my foot. Seeing the surgeon tomorrow. Murphy's Law is in full force.

That also meant levels didn't want to stay normal. Again, woohoo for Afrezza. I know if I were on the pump still, those pesky levels would be all over the place. You can't really control highs and lows on a pump. I don't care what you say.

We eat very healthy, but I've said it before and I'll say it again. I love food and like to cheat. So tonight is a cheat night. I don't "deserve" it because of the week I've had. I WANT it because of the week I've had.

So, tonight I'll be eating some good old fashion cornbread. That doesn't sound like a big deal to most people, but it is to any diabetic. It's wheat, gluten and dairy free for my daughter, so it's a lot healthier than most. I still haven't figured out how much Afrezza to take, but I'm figuring around 8 units.

I stay amazed how this insulin works. My "gripe" about MannKind is the same as always though. They really need to work on communication. They need to understand that while this is new for them too, it's even newer for the users and sometimes, just sometimes, we want to ask some questions without the response being "I'm really not sure."