Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Another "Bad" But Not Really????

I almost hesitate to even write this post. Why? Because it's, for whatever reason, embarrassing. I pride myself in excellent oral hygiene. With that said, when I was young I had a lot of teeth issues. My poor mother! Oh what she went through with me. Now, like I've said before, I love my dentist, but he knows he's not my favorite person to see :) Remember a few weeks ago when I had my root canal, well that same tooth was still giving me grief. Last week I bit down on a peanut and BAM the pain was immense. I was shocked because I didn't plan on having anymore pain in that tooth.

Finally, I couldn't take the pain anymore. I went in to see him today. I had cracked the tooth in 2 places. While the roots are dead, the nerves are not. I still can feel pain. It was so bad that the tooth was crumbling in a few places. Anyway, I had to have it pulled today. To me, that's so embarrassing. I'm not sure why, but it is. No one will know. It's the very back tooth.

I asked about taking my insulin. He thought I was crazy. He thought I still wore a pump. Anyway, I showed him how it worked, etc. He was a little concerned because of dry sockets. I get that, but I have to eat LOL He asked if I could inhale it and suck in air on the sides. I tried it; it worked. I said, the last time I chatted about dental work, that having wisdom teeth removed or something similar would be hard. It is more challenging to do it that way, but it works. I was success at it this evening. It's one of those things where you can't really change it. You have to have dental work; you have to have insulin. So, today I'm making the best of it!

Afrezza is still the best insulin on the market; it's still the easiest to use. As all diabetics know, are life consists of always having to figure things out-where should I put my insulin, is the temp for it right, did I bring enough with me, do I have snacks in case my sugar drops, what if I want to leave my purse in the car, do I have a place to hold the insulin on me, did I remember my glucometer, did I bring enough test strips? This is every time we leave the house (ok guys, not the purse part LOL), but you get my point. So this is just one more hurdle that we shall all survive.

As promised, the good/bad/ugly of Afrezza will be shared. Still the best even with the bad and ugly.

Dexcom-No Thanks

Last Thursday I saw Dr. A and after all the hype about Dexcom, I finally had the opportunity to chat with Dr A about it. He was on board with me getting one. He gave me the info and sent me on my way. I must admit, I was excited to learn more about it. After all, with all the help and information I'd received from you all (especially on Twitter, you all rock!), it was finally time to chat with a rep. I called. I waited.

That evening I called the 800# and spoke to a rep. He stated he would put me in contact with another rep. Finally, I was able to connect with someone. Her knowledge of diabetic pumps was ZERO. I was trying to figure out the actual size. We made it through that LOL, poor gal. To truly understand me, you must realize when I'm in business mode, that's it. I'm a blunt, direct person. All the while displaying Christ and His love for us. That's not always easy when you're dealing with people who don't listen. Don't you love it when Christ wants to strengthen our patience, so He provides us with tests to do it. LOL

I think I passed it, but it was a HARD test. Needless to say, I won't be getting a Dexcom. The functionality of it is great. But I can't put it in my stomach; that was a huge reason I dumped the pump. She stated it didn't work as well anywhere else, but I could try. Um-I think not! Also, the device is MUCH larger than a pump infusion. I'd definitely get that thing hooked on everything.

She stated it would be better if I didn't wear it on vacation, because though you can get it wet, you can't wear it if you are in water deeper than 8 feet. Well, scratch that. I plan on swimming when I'm in Hawaii in a pool deeper than 8'. She also stated you change the site every 7 days. REALLY? As a diabetic, I can't believe that's healthy. You change a pump infusion every 3 days to prevent infection, what makes this so special? Why wouldn't this follow the same logic? I realize it's a different device, but diabetics have to be SO careful, and this one is just puzzling me. So, while I'm thrilled it's helping so many people, in my life, I've decided it's just entirely too complicated at this point in my life. I'll stick to sticking my finger 10 times a day.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Saw The Endo This Morning

I'm THRILLED. I've been going back and forth about my "happy" level of my A1C being 7. I'm no longer going back and forth. I'm THRILLED. I found out this morning my A1C is the lowest it's been since 2013. How crazy is that? How'd I do it? H-E-L-L-O......AFREZZA and TRESIBA.

He also talked to me about getting a Dexcom. I'm glad, but I'm not overly thrilled because it's something that has to go in my stomach. I was having horrible issues with my dumped pump, so now I'm fretting a little. God will work it out. After all, Philippians 4:6 KJV says, "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."

Has anyone else heard about Islet Transplanting??? Well it's a new one on me. I asked Dr A about it, and he does not recommend it. I was hoping it'd be another way to help out diabetics. He said it's both good/bad. Good-gets us off insulin Bad-Only works 3-4 years AND you're on a lot of anti rejection medication. 

I will not do that even if it was "forever" that I'd be off insulin. My mother had a double lung transplant and was on them. She couldn't go out in the winter, be around anyone who was sick, etc. It was terrible. Though my mother in law also had a kidney transplant and is on them and doing fabulously. So, I've seen both sides and transplants aren't for me. 

So, at this point, I'm thrilled with results, thrilled with endo appt and thrilled that I have a Savior who shows me daily mercy and love.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

2u Please.....And new A1C

WOW it's been a long time since I've posted. I didn't realize that. Life got in the way as we're gearing up for a statewide homeschool convention, and I'm helping. Anyway, BRITTLE you find that you need 2 units instead of 4? Sometimes I do. I've very sensitive to Afrezza and sometimes 4 units just drops me too low. I wish there was a scale that says if your level is 250 take 4 units or something like that. Some days I need 8, some 4 and some 2. MannKind says it takes a while and is in the works. Well, what's a girl to do until then?? I know. The same thing ALL diabetics do-SUFFER.

I also got back my 3 month lab results since being on Afrezza. It only dropped 0.7, and I was super discouraged. Then I realized WAIT it's dropped a total of 1.7 since all this began. So now it's 7.0. That's huge. I also heard from other users that it can take several months for the true results to show. I believe this simply because I know my numbers and know I've done great. YES, there have been highs and lows, but the reality is it's been good. So much better than when I was on a pump.

I feel better. I exercise more. I do more things with my family. This stuff is still the best even while waiting on 2u. It was really great last week when my oldest daughter came over to get a china hutch I was giving her. It was pouring rain. She immediately said, "No Mom, I'll do this. You can't get wet." I reminded her that I no longer wore a pump. It was a moment when we all realized how programmed we were and how prohibiting that pump really was. Let's face it, no one wants to get wet in the pouring rain, but it's nice to know if I do my health will still be ok!!