Thursday, May 4, 2017

What Is Vaping Anyway, and NO I'm Not Doing It?!

Have you ever been asking if you're vaping? What is that I wondered? I mean, I had heard of it, knew it dealt with smoking but wasn't super informed. I looked it up. WHAT??????? NO, thank you, I'm NOT vaping. I'm inhaling INSULIN. The devices are only similar in the fact each is inhaled. The devices do not even look the same.

Now that I'm aware of this, it's amazing to me how many people actually think I'm vaping. I do NOT, let me repeat myself, I do NOT smoke or vape. NO THANK YOU. I often wondered why people would stare at me as I inhaled Afrezza. H-E-L-L-O, Robyn. That's what they've been thinking about me. OH MY-LANTA, talk about needing to educate people.

It's so sad that more education has been done on this horrible thing than on Afrezza, and more know about it. So sad that people are not knowledgable in the very things that can save their physical life, yet are fully knowledgable in the things that can kill them. Afrezza users, we MUST start making it our daily mission in life to 1. Tell people about the Lord, his crucification and resurrection and how Heaven AND Hell are real, and 2. Educate folks about Afrezza.

If we do not do both of these, people's lives are in jeopardy. I, for one, do not want to be held account for these. Yes, there are struggles in both.

Since this is primarily my Afrezza blog, let me focus on that. I was contacted on Twitter recently from a guy who clearly stated Afrezza wouldn't make it, the company will be going bankrupt, etc. I went to his page. He's making it his daily mission to alert the Twitter world about how horrible it is. I then decided to start checking out others' pages who are pro-Afrezza. I was amazed. There are some who are like me-they don't post daily. There are some who post about everything from politics, religion, health, finances, you name it. They post about it. Then there are a FEW, a rare few, who are dedicated to daily Afrezza posts. Let's face (I'm stepping on my own toes here too), we need to be more like the latter folks.

We need to start being like the dude who hates Afrezza and posts continuously about it, and the folks who post nonstop about it. Is Afrezza perfect? NOPE. Are injectable? NOPE. Which would I prefer? Inhaled any day.

People will continue to think we are vaping if they do not become educated. Yes, there will always be a few people who are uneducated on both but have maybe heard about vaping and will think we are doing it. That's ok. A few are ok, but a majority is NOT ok.

We're failing our fellow diabetics and others out there. So, diabetics-unite. We need more than a few events to educate medical professionals and others. I've repeatedly asked MannKind to allow me to help them in IN and have heard nothing. If we (meaning ME TOO) do not start being more demanding with this, we will be out of an insulin, folks. Funding will not be there for the production of it.

EDUCATION is KEY. What a great day it'll be when people recognize Afrezza as easily as they do injectables.

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