Tuesday, April 18, 2017

2, 4, 8 units..oh my!

I know I've talked about this before, but, seriously, I can't believe I'm the only person who is having issues inhaling 8u's. I hurt; my lungs hurt; I cough for HOURS afterwards. I begin to wheeze. What in the world is going on with it? YIKES. It's so strong in my system that I can't stand taking the 8's. I will never take the 12's oh my-lanta. I can't imagine how strong they are!!! Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that the product itself is bad. I'm saying I can't handle it. That's it!

I would much rather than 2-4u's than 1-8u any day of the week. I know that MannKind is also working on the 2u's, which is FABULOUS. I'm super excited about that. Won't that be wonderful? So, recently someone on FB asked about if others had experienced the 4u's dropping their levels too low. I sure do. So how do you handle that? I have found when I need just a *little* bit more insulin and I know 4 will be entirely too much, I re-inhale the 4u. There is always a tiny bit left in the cartridge, so I put it back in and inhale it all over again.

This seems to be working for me. Have you come up with any creative ways to lower your levels without taking 4u's?? I have also been noticing that drinking VERY VERY cold water has worked. I'm not sure why and I do not know the theory behind it, but it works for me.

So, save those 4's and use them later. At least that's what I do! Happy Inhaling.


  1. I'm pretty sure MNKD has given up on the 2U doses -- at least short term. They're having too many cash flow problems. They have even postponed starting the pediatric study, and that was what the 2U doses were meant for.

  2. There is a video on youtube about how you can make your own 2U dose cartdrige from existing higher dose cartridges. It involves opening up the cartridge.
    If you aren't afraid of trying, here is a link to the video:

    If you wanted to be more accurate, I recommend using a digital scale instead of eyeballing it.
