Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Head Cold.....Really?

What happens when your beloved husband decides life isn't adventurous enough? He brings home a head cold and decides to share it. Thankfully, I am prepared. This isn't my first battle with sickness as a diabetic. NO. I'm armed and ready. NOW, I'm using Afrezza, so Goodbye high levels when I'm sick. Goodbye days of feeling miserable due to those high levels, and hello to getting healthier faster. Remember, I showed you my cold weather remedy before? Basically the same thing. I couldn't imagine getting sick and not having my Young Living Essential Oils (#1449792). As much as I love Afrezza, I'm lovin' my EO's too.

It's great when hubby shares, but when I think about sharing.......I'm thinking more along the lines of sugar free gum not a head cold. Bless his heart! OH great thing about EO's they do NOT affect my blood sugars except to help lower them!!! 

Here Are My Actual Test Results from 8/16 compared to 11/16

Well, if I'm going to share my experiences, I might as well share them all. I'm posting my actual test results from August until now. It's not been 3 months yet since I started on Afrezza, but it's been 3 months between my labs. Now, any good diabetic knows we must have our blood drawn. Anyway great diabetic wants the levels to always get better! So, here it goes. My A1C results

Check this out....... it lowered 1 full point in 5 weeks!!!! WHAT? CRAZY!!!!

Now my Comprehensive Panel results. I'm so happy. I see Dr. Asamoah tomorrow. I know he's going to be happy. The BEST endocrinologist EVER is Dr Asamoah. He knew the pump wasn't working for me any longer. He cares about his patients. So, how are your results??? Are you keeping track???

More amazingness, let MannKind know it!

Well first let me start with-IF you're leaving a post, I cannot reply. It isn't working properly, so I am doing my best to get it fixed! So, feel free to send private messages, which are answered easier! is my direct email.

Listen, it's so important that everyone keeps the buzz going about Afrezza. If not, we could lose it. NO ONE wants that. Let MannKind know how important this stuff is to your health. It's better, which means overall better health, it's safer. Think about it-needles no more! Glass vials that can easily slip out of your hands and break (are you ask tired as me of hearing how they can't break. Wow I wish that was true). No more pump supplies, and seriously no more PRAYING when you change your pump site you're able to find a spot on your body not filled with scar tissue (although this doesn't mean stop praying. The Lord is our healer, whether we see it here or not). Anyway. This fast acting gem fits in your pocket, is easy to use, discarding is much easier too. Before you'd have to find a place to put those used needles or pump supplies. Have you ever put a needle in your purse (men excluded, of course) and had the cap come off? OUCH. No more worrying about batteries dying or those pesky highs and lows.

Have you seen how small this is? Everyone says it's like a whistle. OK so I have to be honest. I'm not sure what whistle they're looking at, but it's a little bigger than one-that's ok. I said from the beginning I'd share the good/bad/ugly. I just shared some good. Now bad-I have a fear (it's mine, not reality), but I always fear that something will poke into the carriages and insulin goes flying out. Did I mention I have a vivid imagination? I know it's in a case. UGH. The ugly-the 4units and 8units are too close in color. I'm super careful when I grab one out of the refrigerator.

Just look how small the inhaler is. You just drop the cartridge in the small white "hole" and then close it. After closing it, you pull the lavender cap off (it's facing upright, but it won't be once closed). Exhale, place in mouth and inhale. How easy is that???? You open it back up and then take out the cartridge and throw the cartridge away. Always replace the cap back on it, because since you don't wash the inhaler, you want to keep it clean. Now, I've shown you my essential oils before. I highly recommend using Young Living Thieves Oil on the OUTSIDE. Just place a drop in your hand or paper towel and wipe clean. You should do this especially if you're sick. You don't want to keep putting your mouth on something filled with germs. That'd be like using the same needle in your glucometer and never changing it-UM GROSS.

So, call MannKind (both the MannKind and Afrezza numbers) and let them know you love this product!!!!! 


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

39 days and counting

I had my blood work yesterday. I already have the results. I love technology. It wasn't as great as I wanted, and I was a little bummed. Hubby reminded me it was great. He told me to remember that it'll be perfect in 3 months. He was right.

3 months ago when I had the blood work done, my A1C was 8.8 and today I found out it's 7.7. 5 weeks on Afrezza!!!! HELLO HAPPINESS. Can you believe this?????? Oh my stars, talk about praising the Lord. I'm so excited. Now, I know you may be wondering why I was bummed if my A1C was lowered a full point in 5 weeks. Well, because I really thought it'd be lower and NOW I have to wait another 3 months to prove how fabulous this insulin is.

1 point in 5 weeks, come on, yes I'll hush, it's great. But I wanted super duper dramatic results. All my levels were lowered actually. Some said it's because I've started watching my carb intake. Nope. Did that before. Didn't work. It's the insulin. This stuff is the best.

If you have a dr who doesn't want you on it (I'm a FB group where a woman said her dr wouldn't put her on it because it's too new), get a new dr (in my NONprofessional opinion). How could a dr not want what is best for you?

I love that mine doesn't mind me using essential oils (not that I care, I'd do it anyway), and he thinks it's a weird, but hey who cares.

Yes diabetic must eat healthy and exercise. Trust me, walking on my mini trampoline each day is not my idea of fun, but I do it. I don't do it for anyone else other than me.

So all you diabetics without asthma or other lung issues, I say take charge of your health and get to your dr and switch. DUMP THAT PUMP AND GET AFREZZA!!!!!!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving Day Levels

Well, the festivities are over, the food is packed away, and I'm worn out. The day started with my level being 120. Once my feet hit the ground, that was it. I was on my feet for 10 hours cooking and cleaning. Only once did my levels go high. My fault completely. My DD made some homemade rolls, so I *had* to try some. YUM. So, that meant my level went to 256. I immediately took 4 units.

After a few hours, I knew the Afrezza would be out of my system, and it was time to eat. We had a feast for sure. I was very careful, because I was scared I'd go really high today. To my surprise, the highest it went was 166.

How'd I do it? Well, this was literally exactly what I ate.

3oz turkey and gravy
2 teas mashed potatoes
2 teas stuffing
2 teas sweet potato casserole
1 deviled egg
2 teas crab salad
1 teas barley casserole
3 teas green beans

After that, it was time for desserts. My son-in-law is one of the best bakers-EVER, well except for cheesecake. My daughter, his wife, would have to *take the cake* on that one. Anyway, he made pumpkin pie and pecan pie. My oldest daughter, his wife, made double layer pumpkin cheesecake. My youngest daughter made a pumpkin roll. It was not good for this diabetic. I wanted it all.

My son-in-law got a piece of each type of pie/cake. My daughter and I decided to make it community pieces. We were all full, so no one wanted their own piece. I had the tiniest, I mean tiniest, bite ever of each one. I did not have a full bite of any dessert. My taste buds were happy and so was my level.

I haven't had levels this great since becoming a diabetic. I'm so happy!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Good....Bad....and Weird

For the past few days I've felt so weird when I take Afrezza. I don't know if it's a side effect. I really didn't care enough to look it up. I've been too busy with the upcoming holidays. I take it and I become jittery and then my stomach hurts. It's so weird. I'm light headed even. It hasn't happened before, but it only happens when I take the Afrezza. So......Are you as UNprepared as me? I pride myself on having things done. This year we've traveled so much that I feel as I can't get caught up on anything.

Anyway, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I bombed the church dinner by having apple pie. Let's see how I do tomorrow. I found a great new recipe that I'm using Stevia with as my sweetener. I love candied cinnamon almonds. Oh my! Here's the recipe. I really have found some great recipes on the site. Not all are diabetic friendly but this one should be.

What do you like that you simply *can't* live without tomorrow? I really have nothing. I am making more turnip mash though. I found recipe for turnip mash (like mashed potatoes) and I will be making them again. I didn't have to take any insulin when I ate them and they were good!!!!! WHO KNEW. They are the best. I do not like turnips. I love these.

Afrezza is still going strong and I love it. I wish there were more news stories about it, but that's ok. The Lord will work it out.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Still Going Strong

Well so far everything is still going great. I was away again this weekend with my daughter, and I always become concerned when we are out of town. I fret about what to eat. Unfortunately, a diabetics life seems to always worry about levels and food. I've found that I'm still determined to find foods that I only have to take 4 units of Afrezza with.

We ate at Steak 'N Shake. My daughter was recently diagnosed as a diabetic, and she was really wanting a shake. I am a mean mom and said NO WAY. She chose water! We each ate a double cheeseburger with all the trimmings and fries. We took the buns off the burgers. I had about 10 fries. Success. Only 4 units!

I am still concerned about Thanksgiving and Christmas though. Oh how I love food. I eat to live not live to eat.....except during the holidays. But isn't that like all of us? I know I won't be having any desserts and will be enjoying turkey, turnip potatoes (great substitute for mashed potatoes), green beans (not the casserole) and a few other things. No bread and no desserts. Eating unhealthy foods is sinful for me. Like sin, it only lasts for a season but the consequences affect your entire life.

Thanks for all the recipe ideas, keep them coming!!

Thankful I've dumped the pump!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Planning Ahead for Sick Days

Well, this weekend reminded me that I really need to start planning ahead for those wintry sick days. Michael and I, after church, worked out in the yard cleaning the gutters and did some raking. I came in sneezing and coughing. His answer to everything-the neti pot. UGH. OK so yes I occasionally use it, but it's not the answer to it all.

I quickly remembered that I have a Young Living Essential Oils order that I needed to place. There are a few things I do not go without in the winter months. Inner Defense, R.C., Raven, Lavender, Eucalyptus and my favorite essential oil, Thieves. These items coupled with the neti pot are my wintry sick days solution. As a diabetic, especially one who has never faced an IN winter on Afrezza, I want to make sure I stay as healthy as possible.

What happens if I get bronchitis? What about pneumonia, which I had twice last year? It's bad enough being a diabetic, but now I began worrying about how will it all be affected by the Afrezza, which I still LOVE as much as you can love an insulin.

I can't say the oils of choice are for everyone or will even work for everyone. These are just what I use and what helps me. Yes, I'm a Young Living Distributor, and no it's not a business for me. Yes, I will proudly give my Distributor Number-1449792. But, if you're interested in purchasing the best essential oils on the market, let me know. I'm excited to see, since I know the oils work, how they'll work with the Afrezza.

Also, just some food for thought. This weekend was a dinner at church. I ate what I 'thought' was healthy with a dessert Michael and I shared. What a huge mistake. I'm realizing I don't care what they say about not counting carbs, they really need to give a class on what is considered a small/medium/large amount of carbs for Afrezza. I measured my food-3 oz of turkey, 2 teas of mashed potatoes, 2 teas of green beans, 2 teas of scalloped potatoes and 1/2 a slice of apple pie. I took 8 units. Well, that was certainly not enough. I considered that a medium amount of carbs. Maybe it was and the pie threw me over the top. I don't know. I do know even after all the yard work, my levels were super high (282).

I was tired and weak and not from work either. I couldn't believe how different I felt. Before, it was nothing for my levels to run like that. Now, it hits me like a ton of bricks. I'm thankful today I'm doing much better and levels are perfect. My fasting was 87, after breakfast it was 89. I'm looking forward to lunchtime now.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Weekly Menu only 4 units each meal

Remember when I said I loved food? It's still true. I've just become more aware of what to eat. Yes, I should have done this years ago, but I didn't. I told my husband, Michael, last night that starting Afrezza was like becoming a diabetic all over again. I am excited to find new recipes that are healthy and do not raise my levels. I still like to only use the 4 units.

So, last night I was making out our weekly menu list. I found what is actually called a breakfast cake is a breakfast cake, snack cake, anytime cake! Here's the link for the Flourless Pumpkin Breakfast Cake.

I used a small baking dish and divided it into 12 equal pieces. Then I took one piece and divided that in half. I would have had to have 8 units for 1 full piece. My "breakfast cake" didn't quite turn out like the picture as mine was more of a condensed version, but it was really good. Each year at Thanksgiving and Christmas I make pumpkin muffins which require 3 cups of flour (ouch! Diabetic nightmare) and 2.5 cups of sugar (the nightmare worsens). This requires 1/2 a cup of sugar and fullness of flavor.

I was on a hunt for tasty recipes. I get up each morning and make my husband breakfast before he leaves for work. We are very tired of eggs each morning. So here is our menu plan for this week.

1. Cheese crusted omelet with avocado (
2. Oatmeal with blueberries with #5 (I make the oatmeal. I do not buy the packaged stuff)
3. Greek yogurt with blueberries and blackberries
4. Cinnamon Crumb Coffee Cake ( note that I never use splenda. I use Stevia or raw sugar)
5. Pumpkin Breakfast Cake (
6. Eggs & Turkey Bacon
7. Oatmeal again
I have coffee with creamer each morning too, which is why I take the 4 units most days.

We always eat leftovers for our suppers, so there is no additional planning.

1. Cilantro Lime Chicken with steamed broccoli and small side salad (
2. Pesto Salmon and Italian Veggies (
3. Bunless burgers topped with bacon, avocado, tomato, cucumber, bread and butter pickles (hubby only!), green beans and corn-on-the-cob
4. Crockpot Lasagna (
5. Zucchini spaghetti with meatballs and spaghetti sauce I canned in the summer
6. Baked chicken over salad with all the "fixings".....boiled eggs, tomatoes, onions, green peppers...
7. Homemade Chicken and vegetable soup

Nightly Snacks
These vary each night. I had the pumpkin breakfast cake last night. I also eat mixed nuts, stringed pepper jack cheese, you can also take 1 graham cracker, split in half and then add a cream cheese spread and top with strawberries. It really depends on my mood.

All of these work perfectly with just 4 units* of Afrezza for ME (*I do not need insulin with any snacks except the breakfast cake and graham cracker ones). I enjoy mixing up my snacks.

This journey has been so freeing. I'm still thankful I dumped my insulin pump. Time to start planning next week's menu. Any suggestions?

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Found a downside

So, you know I love Afrezza. Well yesterday I picked up my month's supplies. They come in a box of 4 units and 8 units. I rarely have used the 8 units and prefer to keep it that way. 8 units allow me to eat too freely. Tonight was a crazy night, so I ordered pizza. This meant I needed 8 units. Since I opened the entire package and opened the small pack, I have to use it within 3 days. That won't happen. So, I will have to throw away the other 2 8 units of the Afrezza that I paid for. I realize most people use the 8 units for at least 1 meal a day, so that little 3 pack would be used. I am not like most. Such a bummer. I use more 4's. Big draw back and downside. Not life altering, but waste of money for sure.

Plus side (sort of)-I can safely eat a piece of pizza and after eating it my level was 81! WOOHOO. That never happened on the pump.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Going Strong

Well, it's still going great. I went to Chicago for the weekend, which always worries me when I travel. Everything was perfect. I have noticed I am so much more health conscience than ever before (and I was pretty good about it before). For some reason, I don't want to take 8 units. I know I can. I know I will. I know I don't want to do it.

Since there are no real guidelines on what units to take, this is what I've done. I always take 4 with my morning coffee since I use creamer. For most suppers when out of town, I eat a either a fried or grilled chicken salad. I can still take just 4 units. I eat a small salad not the huge ones.

I'm still not having side effects, which is FABULOUS. OOH, I also found a great way to carry my stuff when traveling so I can put it back into the refrigerator. I went back for my 2 week follow up. Dr A. was so thrilled he hugged me! Now, keep in mind he's been my doctor almost 20 years, so he's griped at me, yelled at me, has been disgusted with me and has also rejoiced with me.

I told him I needed a way to transport the Afrezza and even the Tresiba (it's not that big of a deal since it can stay out of the refrigerator for 2 months and still be fine). He said there is a website called Most of the products keep your medications cold for 45 hours. This is perfect!!!! I ordered the exlarge because when I travel...I can be gone for quite some time, so I needed to make sure it was large enough to hold several weeks worth of supplies. I'm going to check it out to see if it really works. If so, I'm going to buy a small one to carry in my purse for when I'm out and about. So, no more Afrezza frustration. Dr A. assured me it works. He bought one for his mother. That's exciting to me that a doctor uses it.

Now that it's November 7th, it's time to start finding some healthy Thanksgiving and CHRISTmas recipes. I've never worried before, because, hey, I used a pump. Just shove a bunch of insulin in me that will cause highs and lows, make me sick, cause my levels to bottom out, and BAM I eat what I want. Not this year! This year I'm going to eat so much better. I know I'll probably take 8 units on both days. I also know I do not want to cram a bunch of sugar and processed junk in my body. We eat to live. We do not live to eat.

I know the temptations will be there. I must resist....resist the devil and he will flee (James 4:7)! Sugar is our enemy just like Satan is. I love a good challenge, so I'm looking forward to the holidays not just for the typical reasons (which are enough for me of course) but also because I want to see how well I can manage my levels.

I have blood work to check my A1C the end of the month. I'm super excited. My last one was 8.7. UGH. Not good. I can't wait to report what it's going to be on Afrezza.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

My first real Afrezza frustration

Today my husband and I were talking about some upcoming traveling plans. I was curious about how to store the meds on the plane and things like that. I called MannKind. They have no idea! That's right. NO CLUE. They said I should call the airline and see if they could help me. Really? They're the makers of the meds. How frustrating. The create a med and cannot tell you how to store it when traveling. I asked if there were plans to research this. NO. I asked if they could tell me, since it can't be frozen, how it's stored when being sent from MannKind to the pharmacies and doctors' offices. They freeze it. Again WHAT?????? I can't freeze it, yet you can while shipping it????? This is making no sense to me.

I found a small portable device that refrigerates medication for several days. It's battery operated. It's also almost $200 and out of stock on every website I checked. There are also a few other sites I looked at that have items that will keep insulin cold for a few hours. Well, I plan on being on a plane for 9 hours one way. That's not much help. My Afrezza frustration has set in. It's a small hurdle that I know will be concurred. For the time, it's annoying.

On a positive note, I have determined I can successfully go out to eat with friends and keep normal levels. Tonight was a huge success. I knew I wanted a cup of coffee with cream, which meant 4 units of Afrezza. I also knew my dinner wasn't going to be a high carb one, so I was a little concerned. All said and done, I came home with a level of 102. It's getting easier to decide how much to take.

Tomorrow morning I have an appt with Dr A. I'm excited to see what he decides!! Only 2 more weeks to go and I can officially throw away my pump.