Friday, February 1, 2019

Could You Have Done This While On The Pump?

This past week I had to travel to N.C. to visit my mother in law who was having a very complicated surgery. So what happens? You pack and pack and pack. What'd you forget? Do you really need everything you've packed? WAIT...insulin. So, there I go. Running up the stairs to fetch my Tresiba and Afrezza. Down the stairs I go...WAIT....forgot glucometer strips and needles for the Tresiba. OH MY. The trip hadn't started, and I was already tired.

10 hours on the road, checked into the hotel....dare I say MOTEL. Oh my word! That's ok. I wasn't planning on spending much time there. Tuesday morning we all arrived at Duke University at 5:00am! Yes, you read that right. 5:00am. 17 hours and 3 waiting rooms later, she was done, and it went wonderfully. Praising the Lord.

I realized around 10:00pm that I had not eaten dinner. Breakfast was around 8:00am, and lunch was around noon. I had gone 10 hours without any food. No snacks. No nothing. I tested my blood sugar. It was 130, and after I had eaten lunch it was 174. So in the course of 10 hours, I had only dropped 44 points. Now, you tell me. Would that have happened if you were on the pump? NO! I can answer that. I was on the pump.

I'm again so thankful for the benefits and ease of using Afrezza. There is no way I could have gone that long when on the pump OR even while taking the shots. This is unreal. Wonderfully unreal, but it's unreal. What a great testimony for Afrezza. No lags, no tails, in and out 2-2.5 hours. Having diabetes isn't fun, but Afrezza surely makes it manageable.


  1. Awesome story and I hope the surgery went well for your mother in law. Life is stressful enough!

    1. Thanks a million. She came through like a champ! Praising the Lord for sure.
