Sunday, September 24, 2017

Who Has Time For Posts Anymore???

Today I was asked if I still wore a pump. OH MY it made me realize I haven't updated my blog. Why? Because who has time for blogging when you're busy living life. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Afrezza. Oh my-lanta, I can't praise it enough.

Two days ago was our youth service at church. I was asked to help with games. In my pump world, I would have started already planning high/low strategies. How'd I handle it with Afrezza? What's to handle? They ordered Papa Johns Pizza. Typically, we don't eat a lot of pizza, so this was a great treat for all in my family.

I ate one piece, which was more than enough. I inhaled 4 units. I started with a level of 132 and ended up 2 hours later with a level of 96. WHAT??? Now, all you pump users (former and current) know that with a pump that wouldn't happen. It would either be super high or super low. If high, you'd take more insulin, than what would happen? You'd crash because it'd drop. If it was low, you'd eat more, which would make it go high. Do you see the vicious cycle???

I get up in the mornings and take 10 units of Tresiba for the long acting and then never worry again about my levels. Now, we don't typically celebrate halloween, but we bought a bunch of candy for the youth service games. Now we have a LOT of candy left over.

It just so happens, I'm a little fond of candy. So, I've gladly helped myself to the leftovers. I love Almond Joy Candy Bars. LOVE THEM. The little snack size ones are the best. Guess what? I don't even inhale Afrezza with it? You read right. I can eat one and not take any insulin. How is that possible?

Afrezza should be named-Freedom because it allows a freedom every diabetic longs for. YES you still have to inhale before meals, but so what. You can live a normal life with it. You will never, in my personal opinion, ever live a normal life on a pump or shots.



  1. Thank you for sharing! I love reading your posts. Congrats to you and your freedom, almost one full year!!

  2. Sorry I'm just now responding. To be honest, the freedom has made me somewhat lazy! It's been a relief for sure and for certain.
