Tuesday, May 30, 2017

I Don't Care What Others Say....It Does Lose Potency

I've been doing my own little experiment. I've heard people say they've left Afrezza in their car for months in 100 degree weather, and it worked perfectly. How on earth does one person have enough insulin of any kind to leave it UNUSED in their car for months? I've had people say they've opened theirs, forgot one was opened, then opened another one and then months later found the original one and it worked great.

Well....I'm the weird one. Mine doesn't work "great" all the time when left out like that. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying I follow Afrezza directions for refrigeration, etc perfectly. OH MY-LANTA NO WAY. BUT, I have discovered that it does lose its potency. Surely I can't be the only one who has discovered this. I don't have to take more, but what I have noticed is this......

If I eat Baked Chicken, Steamed zucchini and broccoli and baked beans, I would take 4 units. My starting level would be 80. 2 hours later it'd be 101-120ish IF IF IF I use a fresh unit.

IF I eat the same meal with the same starting level and use a unit that has been out of the refrigerator for over a week then my level 2 hours later is around 180-190. That level certainly doesn't warrant me increasing the amount to 8 units, but it doesn't make me aware.

I don't say this as a "negative" per say, just to say that people need to be aware that refrigeration could make a difference and new users need to be aware. It's not life threatening, but awareness and education are key to controlling this nasty disease.

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