Thursday, December 8, 2016

From Rants to Ridges...Cart-ridges that is...

When your child is STILL sick because the nurse practitioner gave her a drug she was allergic to, all I want to do is go to the shooting range and fire my gun. Yep, you *heard* right. This Bible totin', scripture quotin', prayer prayin', tongue talkin', gun packin' Christian momma needs to release some frustration today.

Do y'all ever feel that way? I love when my hubby and I shoot our guns. It's a weird thing for me. I am able to talk to the Lord and still aim. Now, I may not be very good at the aiming part, but I can do my part. We haven't shot guns together in a while, but this momma needs it tonight.

I'm thankful my kiddo was able to get up and eat supper with us, but I wasn't so happy when her daddy had to help her up because she's still really weak. I can truly say THANK YOU MANNKIND FOR AFREZZA. Why? As upset as I have been today, only one time have I had a high level because of it all and BAM Afrezza took care of me. This never would have happened on the dumped pump.

OH and just an update, NO MORE COUGHING when I take Afrezza. And for all those who suggested the sip of water, you are sooooo right! It really helped. I love the Afrezza world. Great group of people.

I have a question for y'all. How do you carry cartridges and stuff throughout the day? Are you afraid of them getting ripped open or anything? I have this old pink glucometer case that I carry my stuff in. UGH It's huge, and I don't like it. So would you please share with me what y'all use??

So here is what it looks like. Nothing fancy, but boy is it heavy in my purse. I like the fact that it's a hard case, so I don't have to worry about anything puncturing the cartridges. I don't have to worry about the inhaler getting crushed or anything else. Not that my purse is filled with wild objects but even a pen can do some damage! PLEASE share with me what you use.


  1. I found an awesome little carrying case for my Afrezza at Target. It was only $4 and easily fits 18 cartridges, my dreamboat and Elovate 15 Glucose Slimpak. Oddly enough, the only time I've had to use the glucose slimpak since being on Afrezza was at a JDRF walk and another T1 I met was having a hypoglycemic reaction.|slp|search_viewed|slp|13675847|0

  2. Oh my-lanta, this is PERFECT! Thank you so much. I can't wait to order it now. You're the best.
